Large Gravity Flow Schemes
Large Gravity Flow Schemes are water schemes that traverse local government boundaries.
The Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Department (RWSSD) under the Directorate of Water Development in the Ministry of Water and Environment is responsible for the provision of safe water and sanitation services in rural areas across the country. The department coordinates the utilization of the District Water and Sanitation Conditional Grant (DWSCG) to District Local Governments (DLGs), providing support to the planning and development of water supply and sanitation projects (large gravity flow schemes, large motorized piped water schemes and solar powered mini-piped water systems) and the promotion of appropriate technologies and sanitation practices in rural areas.
Large Gravity Flow Schemes
Large Gravity Flow Schemes are water schemes that traverse local government boundaries.
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Mandate
Bukedea District is water stressed and lies within the flood zone and hence faces a major challenge of increasing access to clean and safe water to its rapidly growing population amidst diminishing water resources both in quantity and quality. Ground water resources
have proved inadequate to meet the district’s potable water demand.
Environmental and social assessments are necessary with a view to evaluating the current ground environmental and social status, opinion of the local communities; establish the potential social and economic benefits or negative impacts of the project. Appropriate remedial actions will also need to be identified and integrated in the project design and implementation.
Ministry of Water & Environment
Plot 3 - 7 Kabalega Crescent Road, Luzira
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala, Uganda
Tel : +256 417 889 400