Mpanga Catchment Conservation Project
Ministry of Water and Environment Launches Mpanga Catchment Conservation Project
Ministry of Water and Environment Launches Mpanga Catchment Conservation Project
The Government of Uganda (GOU) has received funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the African Development Bank (AfDB) for the development of the Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of Communities in Uganda's watersheds project (SACRiAC). The Project’s Executing Agency Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) is responsible for the overall implementation and management of the Project.
The Government of Uganda in conjunction with the African Development Bank are financing the Water Supply and Sanitation Project Phase Three. The project will cover various geographical areas and services. The project sites shall include:-
The Forestry Management and Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain (FM&SCVC) project is an intervention of the Government of Uganda, through the Ministry of Water and Environment and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
The Integrated Water Management and Development Project (IWMDP) is a Seven (7) year Government of Uganda (GoU) Project funded with loan worth US $ 313 Million by the World Bank. The Project will support GoU through the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) and National
Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) in achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG #6, ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.’
DPO for Covid-19 Quarantine Centres
A Development Policy Operation (DPO) funded by the World Bank aimed at supporting the Government to address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The Ministry of Water and Environment is to benefit from this DPO through an ensured continuous and steady supply of water to health facilities and COVID-19 Quarantine Centres across the country during this COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Attached is the list of the health facilities and COVID-19 Quarantine Centres across the country.
The Government of Uganda has designed the “Investing in Forest and protected Areas for Climate Smart Development Project”, (The Project), that will be financed by the International Development Association (World Bank) and Government of Uganda. Preparation of The Project is led by the Ministry of Water and Environment, together with the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, Uganda Wildlife Authority, and the National Forestry Authority.
Green Climate Fund Wetlands Restoration Project
Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) with support from the World Bank is preparing the Irrigation Development and Climate resilience project. The development objectives of the proposed project is to increase agricultural productivity and institutional capacity for irrigation service delivery in targeted areas of Uganda.
The Joint Water and Environment Sector Support Programme (JWESSP) phase two 2018 - 2023 is a successor to the JWESSP 2013 – 2018 and builds on its achievements. The JWESSP phase two will be implemented by the Government of Uganda, represented by the Ministry of Water and Environment, with harmonised support from the water and environment sector Development Partners. The programme will help the sector to achieve its targets and improve its performance through consistent and harmonised support that is aligned to government objectives, policies and delivery modalities
Joint Water and Environment Sector Support Programme (JWESSP) for 2013 – 2018
The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment and through the Directorate of Water Resources Management received funding from Adaptation Fund and Sahara and Sahel Observatory to implement the Enhancing Resilience of Communities to Climate Change through Catchment Based Integrated Management of Water and Related Resources in Uganda(EURECCCA project)in the Catchments of Awoja, Aswa and Maziba respectively.
WASH component of European Union -Trust Fund for the Support Programme to the Refugee Settlements and Host Communities in Northern Uganda.
Final Resettlement Action Plan for WMDP
Overall Project Objective: “is to sustainably increase the lakes’ fish productivity by promoting good fish capture and management practice, restoration of the lakes catchments and improvement of water quality on the shared lakes’ water resources”.
Project Components
REDD+ is an acronym for Reducing of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. The plus sign (+) stands for the role of Conservation, Sustainable Forest Management and Enhancement of Carbon Stocks (REDD+). The (+) enhances the land’s capacity for carbon storage through activities that improve forest health. In addition to carbon stocks being protected by avoiding forest damage and or clearing of entire forests, measures such as better forest management, conservation, restoration, and afforestation also increase carbon stocks.
35 Solar Powered Mini-Piped Water Schemes Completed
Water for Production (WfP) Centers for Eastern, North, Central and South West, for provision of water for productive use in livestock and aquaculture, while mitigating the effects of climate change through modern irrigation technology by establishing regional implementation and back-up support units in Mbale for Eastern Uganda and Karamoja Sub-region; Lira for Northern, West Nile and Upper Central Sub-Regions; and Mbarara for Lower Central Sub-Region and Western Uganda. Each of these is considered a separate project with a distinct code in the PIP.
Lake Victoria Environment Management Project (LVEMP) II
Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Initiative (LVWATSAN)
Objective: To increase incomes of rural population through commercial tree planting by medium and large scale private sector actors and the local communities, while at the same time helping to mitigate climate change effects through intensive afforestation.
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Ministry of Water & Environment
Plot 3 - 7 Kabalega Crescent Road, Luzira
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala, Uganda
Tel : +256 417 889 400