REDD Technical Annex 2020
Uganda has established the following UNFCCC REDD+ elements reflected in decision 1/CP.16 paragraph 71 as summarised in table 1 below
REDD+ is an acronym for Reducing of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. The plus sign (+) stands for the role of Conservation, Sustainable Forest Management and Enhancement of Carbon Stocks (REDD+). The (+) enhances the land’s capacity for carbon storage through activities that improve forest health. In addition to carbon stocks being protected by avoiding forest damage and or clearing of entire forests, measures such as better forest management, conservation, restoration, and afforestation also increase carbon stocks. Read the Redd+ Programme writeup below this page....
Uganda has established the following UNFCCC REDD+ elements reflected in decision 1/CP.16 paragraph 71 as summarised in table 1 below
Uganda FRL calculation revised- Annex 11
Available data on fires in Uganda comes from MODIS burned area product. It shows that several areas of north and northeastern Uganda are burnt mostly in the months of December to March. However, due to the decline in forest cover, most these fires are occurring in
Uganda has a rich source of data from a variety of forest inventories that have been conducted over the last twenty years and therefore is fortunate enough to be able to analyse the occurrence of forest degradation in some of the inventory sites that have been revisited over the years.
Resettlement Process Framework for Uganda's National REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan
Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) agreed at the Conference of Parties (COP) in Cancun in December 2010 to promote and support seven safeguards when undertaking REDD+ activities and requested countries to develop a system for providing information on how these safeguards are being addressed and respected throughout the implementation of REDD+ activities. Uganda is developing a Safeguards Information System (SIS) to meet this commitment, as described in this document.
Indigenous Peoples’ Planning Framework
The realization of REDD+ Strategies in Uganda requires inclusion and participation of every stakeholder that matters, affected or may be affected. However, the inclusion and participation of the forest dependent indigenous peoples (FDIP) tend to be very limited in the current planning processes. In view of this, what would be very important for FDIP, and have impacts in their livelihoods and rights are either not captured or addressed inappropriately.
As per the World Bank environmental and social risks screening, the Government of Uganda is required to develop a Process Framework (PF). A process framework is prepared when Bank-supported projects may cause restrictions in access to natural resources in legally designated protected areas.
A Grievance refers to a complaint, a feeling of dissatisfaction, an injustice, a wrong doing, an accusation, or criticism. It may include queries, suggestions and comments. A grievance may be mistaken to be “a case”, however, the two concepts are different. A case is a question contested before Courts of justice or an equivalent legal process.
District Forest Officers_UGANDA_As of 1st March 2021
Ministry of Water & Environment
Plot 3 - 7 Kabalega Crescent Road, Luzira
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala, Uganda
Tel : +256 417 889 400