World Environment day celebrations at Ranch 1 Refugee settlement in Kiryandongo district
Today,the World Environment day celebrations were held at Ranch 1 Refugee settlement in Kiryandongo district.
The theme was "fight air pollution to protect human health and environment".
Participants during the celebrations included; WSDF-North, UNHCR,OPM, NGOs, kiryandongo district local government officials , host communities and the refugees.
Participants were sensitized on environment protection through songs, drama and speeches.
320 tree seedlings were planted at the pump station for source protection, mulokoni trading centre road reserve and three primary schools.
The school clubs and other beneficiaries were tasked to take care of the trees.
The European Union through EU-TF SPRSNU is funding construction of Ranch 1 Water Supply System. The construction work is being implemented by WSDF-North.
The system is expected to improve access to safe and clean water for both the refugees and host communities in Kiryandongo district.