Site meeting in Alere Refugee Settlement in Adjumani District
The European Union through EU-TF ( SPRSNU) is financing the construction of Alere Refugee settlement Water Supply and Sanitation System in Adjumani district. WSDF N contracted Empire Tools Limited for a period of 8 months to implement the construction works. The Project components include a transmission network, distribution network, guard house, pump house, chemical house and construction of Public Stand Posts (PSPs).
Today, WSDF-North held a site meeting in Alere Refugee Settlement in Adjumani District to check on the progress of works by the contractor.
Participants included WSDF-N, OPM, Adjumani District Local Government officials and representatives of the refugees and host communities.
Highlights from the meeting include;
*The contractor had accomplished 40% of the works. However, the meeting realized that the progress was slow and instructed the contractor to work harder.
*Appreciation of the good Quality work so far exhibited by the contractor.
*The meeting urged the contractor to plant some trees as a contribution to the environmental protection before leaving the site.
*The need to improve on the environmental safeguards by the contractor.
*The host communities raised a concern that they have been left out and requested that at least one of the villages in the host communities is covered to solve the water crisis problem.