Progress of the on-going works for Nakasongola Feacal Sludge Management Facility.
The Local Government officials of Nakasongola district joined the Deputy Branch Manager of the Water and Sanitation Development Facility Central ( WSDF-C) to inspect the progress of the on-going works for Nakasongola Feacal Sludge Management Facility.
The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) through WSDF-C handed over a site to the contractor on 28th July 2018 for construction of Nakasongola Feacal Sludge Management Facility where works commenced on 4th August 2018.
Tremendous progress like extension of 3phase power line to treatment plant, construction of grit and screen chamber, construction of the thickening tank, anaerobic baffled rector and so much more have been registered ever since the works commenced.
The overall progress of these works is 61%
The Mayor of Nakasongola district Mr. Kakooge pledged to fully support the project.
Also in attendance of the site meeting was, the Assistant Town Clerk, District Engineer and Physical Planner (PP).