Inspection at Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement-Ranch 1 piped water supply system.
The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment and The European Union secured funds under the European Union Trust Fund for the Support Programme to the Refugee Settlements and Host Communities in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU)-Wash component.
The specific outcome of the WASH component is to ensure sustainable access to safe water and improve the environmental sanitation conditions in the targeted communities.
The programme targets the refugee settlements and host communities in the refugee hosting districts of Northern Uganda including Adjumani, Arua, Yumbe and Kiryandongo.
MWE through WSDF-N is constructing Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement-Ranch 1 piped water supply system.
The direct project beneficiaries are both the host community and inhabitants of the refugee settlements.
Today, teams from WSDF-North, Office of the Prime Minister , NWSC, Kiryandongo district and Bweyale Town Council officials and representatives of the refugees from Ranch 1 settlement inspected construction works and thereafter held a site meeting at OPM offices.
Construction of the system is being done by AWICO Engineering services and supervised by WSDF-North.
Key issues noted were;
* Progress of works is at 90% ( pump station - 90%
Transmission main -95%
Distribution main -85%)
* Contractor has started excavations for yard taps (service connections).
*The need for MWE to plant more trees for catchment protection.
*Need for continuous sensitization of the beneficiary communities especially refugees.
*80 yard connections will be done by the contractor.
*20 PSPs will be established to serve the communities.
*WSDF-North intends to form and train School clubs to implement tree planting.
*More people in the community are interested in the service.
* The project is expected to end on the 14th of August 2019.