What REDD+ is about?

The Readiness Preparation Activities

The Readiness Preparation Activities intend to strengthen Uganda’s capacity to implement the National REDD+ Strategy at various scales and across various sectors and players. The Objective of the Readiness Preparation Activities is to design a socially and Environmentally Viable National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation as compared to a Reference level.

At the successful completion of Readiness Preparation Activities, Uganda will have elaborated its nationally agreed Strategies and actions for reducing deforestation and forest degradation, sustainable forest management, enhancing the role of conservation of biodiversity and enhancing carbon stocks.  These strategies will be packaged into Uganda’s REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan Document.  Additionally, the following baselines and measures will have been completed.

  • National Reference Emissions Level/Forest Reference Level National Forest Monitoring System
  • Benefit Sharing Arrangements
  • Environmental and Social Management Framework
  • Forest Grievances and Redress Mechanism
  • Standards for REDD+ field activities in Uganda

Five REDD+ activities are supposed to be implemented by developing countries to be eligible to receive result based payments. They include:

The implementation status of the REDD+ activities as at June 2018 was as follows:

  1. A National REDD+ Strategy and costed action plan. This activity was completed and it involved an assessment of Landuse, Landuse change drivers, Forest Law, Policy and Governance at national level
  2. Development of a Forest Emissions Reference Level and a Forest Reference Level. This was also undertaken and submitted and in May 2018 was accepted by the UNFCCC
  3. The development of a robust and functional National Forest Monitoring System for the monitoring and reporting of the REDD+ activities is on going
  4.  Preparation of implementation frameworks including Benefit Sharing Arrangements and a Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism were prepared
  5. The Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) as well as the Environmental and Social Management Framework are works in progress