The IFPA-CD project is jointly developed and implemented by Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) as the Lead Agency and Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife, and Antiquities (MTWA). The project implementation period is 6 years and it seeks to improve sustainable management of forests and protected areas and increase benefits to communities from forests in target landscapes.         
The project geographic area includes the Albert Rift and West Nile, with focus on target protected areas (7 National Parks, 4 Wildlife Reserves, 28 Central Forest Reserves) and 11
refugee host districts (using the July 2010 boundaries) and 13 other districts. The performance based subsidy scheme for private plantation development under Component 2 will be national in scale.
The project is structured in four main components namely; i) Improved management of forest protected areas; ii) Increased revenues and jobs from forests and wildlife protected areas; iii) Improved landscape management in refugee hosting areas; and, iv) Project Management and Monitoring. Details of project activities and implementation arrangements are provided in the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) and Project Implementation Manual (PIM). The project objective will be achieved by undertaking integrated interventions by MWE, MTWA, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), National Forestry Authority (NFA) and targeted District Local Governments (DLGs).